Saturday, June 28, 2008


Feel blue: feel sad and depressed
I'm feeling blue because I haven't had any mail except bills for a long, long time.

Feel puny: feel unwell, ill.
Ted was feeling puny yesterday, so he decided not to go to work.

Vocabulary-Chapters 15,16,17,18,18,20 and 21

Aware.-adj. having realization or consciousness.
He is aware of him has a cute in his finger.

Stroked.-vb. rub gently.
The mother stroked to her baby.

Seagulls.-n. seabird with webbed feet.
There are a lot of seagulls in that sea.

Bends.-n. curve.
That bends are very dangerous.

Dot.-n. small round mark with or as in as if with a pen.
There are a lot of dots in the Babbie's room.

Bound.-adj. determined.
She is bound to do that.

Fetch.-vb. go or come after and bring or take back.
I don't fetch to that school.

Faint.-adj. weak and dizzy.
This faint light doesn't permit me to see very well.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Vocabulary chapters 11,12,13y14

Grab.-vb take by sudden grasp.
The bad guys was trying to grab the old woman's bag.

Shade.-n space sheltered from the light esp. of the sun.
I put in the shade of that tree.

Due.-adj. owed, appropriate.
This house is due for us.

Begged.-vb. ask earnestly.
The man begged to his girlfriend her forgiveness

Monday, June 23, 2008


Drop someone a line: write to someone.
I haven't written to my parents for a long time. I'd better drop them a line today or tomorrow.

Down in the dumps: depressed, blue.
A: Is something wrong?
B: Not really, but I feel kind of down in the dumps.

Vocabulary-Chapters 7,8,9 and 10

Badge.- n symbol of status.
This men have a important badge.

Fool.- n stupid person.
You are fool, they told him.

Bet.- vb. risk(as money)on an outcome.
I bet that you can't do it.

Fed up.- adj. out of patience.
She was fed up with these childrens.

Chased.- vb. follow trying to catch.
they were chased by two dogs.

Trigger.- n finger piece of a firearm lock that fires the gun.
The trigger of that weapon doesn't work.

Warmth.- n enthusiasm.
the enthusiasm of Richard rejoiced to the boys.

Beaten.- vb. strike repeatedly.
The dog was beaten for the bad man.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Dolphin Music chapter VI

1.- Sue: she said it to see the Saul's attitude. She complained about him.

2.- Saul: they were in the kitchen, escaping from Captain Marrs, and he asked in a panic.

3.- Ruth: She was talking to Sue over Saul's head.

4.- Petter: when Petter was helping to Sue, Saul and Ruth to escape from Marrs, he laughed and said it.

Dolphin Music chapter V

-Ruth.- because she loves the dolphins and she was disagree with the Methods Control.

-Saul.- because Ruth wanted to rescue the dolphins, she said that there was 8 dolphins locked up in a mountain in Newmat, Switzerland and she wanted Saul helped her.

-Sue.- because she ignored him and continued to tap for a while when he said "hi" to her. She didn't seem to bother with "hello"or "how nice to meet you", she only said: "look at this".

-Sue .- because he'll be able to walk into the music room without any problem.
He is going to rescue the dolphins and take them to the sea.

2.- I think Saul will help to rescue the dolphins because he love them and he suffer about the mistreat that suffer the dolphins.

Dolphin Music chapter IV

-Saul.- sensitive man that likes the music, soft and worker.

-Caroline.- sensitive woman that likes the music, soft,quiet, sharp and beautiful.

-Dick Lane.- athletic person that likes to do exercises and practicing sports.

-The Controller.- leader and intelligent man.

-Captain Marrs.- evil man, killer,a man created by the system, very quick, very keen, determined, cruel, useful and angry man.

-Ruth.- old woman, brave, comprehensive and positive woman.

2.- Because he knew the personality of Captain Marrs, he knew that Marrs hated the terrorist and he always obeyed the orders.
He knew that Marrs would go to kill to Saul.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Types of Authority

Weber described three sources of the right to command: Traditional Authority, it was based on tradition, on long-standing customs and they maintaining it from one generation to the next; Charismatic Authority, it derives its legitimacy from charisma, the people may also submit to it for the extraordinary attraction of an individual; Legal Authority, it gives base to the political systemas, these derive legitimacy from a set of explicit rules and procedures: rights and duties.

Idioms homework

Couch potato: someone who spends to much time watching tv.
You're a real couch potato, Jay. You need to get more exercise!.

Cool it: calm down
There is no need be so upset. Just cool it.

Chapter VI - Sumarize


Ruth, Sue and Saul started to escape from Captain Marrs, but Saul was in shock about the remains of his car. Sue said them that he could to blow the house where they were.
Ruth knew that the all things that were happening were quite new for Saul, but Sue complained about him.
They came to a long tunnel and meet with a man, this man was Peter, he was the Controller's young brother so he won't has any problem with Captain Marrs. Peter helped them to escape.
Saul thought that they have escaped from Captain Marrs, but Sue said him that Captain Marrs will continue to look for them.

chapter- III, IV, V and VI-vocabulary

Gown.- n woman's formal evening dress.
She bought a dressing gown for the party.

Rehearsal.- n practice session or performance.
I want to go to see that rehearsal at the theatre.

Tough.- adj. severe or disciplined.
The exercises physic was tough.

Keen.- adj. sharp, severe, enthusiastic, mentally alert.
That boy is very keen.

Banged.- v strike, thrust or move usu. with a loud noise.
They banged their foots on the boxes.

Gasped.- v catch the breath audibly.
She fright me when she start to gasp.

Blew.- v explode
That object blew in the street.

Fond.-adj. affectionate.
I'm very fond of my family.

chapter II

1.- Ruth; she was laughing when she was talking to Saul.
2.- Ruth; she said it to Saul when he was worried about the police.
3.- Ruth; she said it to Saul when she was explaining to him about the true about Control.
4.- Narrator; he said how Saul was. He explained his feelings.
5.- Ruth; she said it to Saul when she was explained to him the truth about the dolphins.

chapter I

1.- T
2.- F
3.- T
4.- F
5.- T

I choose number 5 this is true because in the real life never they have been together only in the virtual web, they had virtual walks and holidays together. He never touch Caroline. All things that they did they did in virtual web.

Monday, June 16, 2008

DOLPHIN MUSIC-chapter I and II-vocabulary

Rubbed:vb use pressure and friction on a body.
The boy rubbed his eyes for a long time.

Helmet:n protective covering fot the head.
We use helmets outside because is too hot.

Taps:n light stroke or its sound.
I listened differents kinds of taps.

Dare:vb have sufficient courage.
The man dare for to do that.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Idioms Homework

Be a piece of cake : be very easy

-I thought the test was a piece of cake.

Be broke : be without money

-Ican't lend you ten dollars. I'm completely broke until daypay.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

embarrassing moment

When I was sick of the flu I went to the Wall mart to buy some candies for the cough, the packs of candies was in the top of the shelf and I wanted to take one pack and all the packs fell on the floor and I picked up one for one and it fell again and again and one guy that was behind me said me Can I help you? and I said yes please and it was really embarrassing moment for me.