Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Final Thoughts.

1.- Saul, Sue, Ruth, Caroline, Captain Marrs, Dick Lane, The Controller, Peter, Marc and Wind.
I would be Sue, because she was brave and she fight for the things that she believed that were correct. She was intelligent and persistent in the things that she did.

2.- I think Saul felt angry, sad and impotent.
I felt very sad and impotent too. I can't believe how there are people without pity about the animals so I can't understand that exist people without good feelings.

3.- The setting of the story is in the year of 2051 in Europe.It's a place where the days are very hot, for this reason the people can't go outside without protection. The computer play a role very important because it controls the life of the people. There are differences between the world of that time and this time, because in this time we aren't controlled by the computer, we manage to the computer.......yet, and we don't have animals that make music.....yet.

4.- When I read the book I fell combination of all feelings, because I'm sensitive person. I don't like the unfair and the mistreatment toward any life. I like when I see courage, love, pity, so in this book I find a lot situations that make me feel these feelings.

5.- The main character is Saul. I'm like him in I like the music and when I have some problem in my life I complain like him, but I try don't do that . I'm different of him in when something new comes to my life I try to do something about it, if it is good for me but difficult to accept I try to fit in this situation, I don't stay immobile.

6.- Dear Saul I considerate your friend and for this reason I want to give you an advice. You have to have more courage in the life because it's important for to follow ahead in this life. When you have a problem you don't stay immobile, you've to look for a better way for to solve that and you've to make good things for to another people.

Chapter 20

1.- live
2.- Caroline
3.- dolphins
4.- hurt
5.- music
6.- studio
7.- fired

Chapter 17

1.- Captain Marrs.
2.- The Narrator.
3.- Sue.
4.- The Narrator.
5.- Saul.
6.- The computer.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Chapters 11-16

chapters 11,12,13

1.- He still thought it was a crazy idea and he did not enjoy the idea of travelling with Sue. She was the rudest person he had ever met.

2.- Because the tunnel workers have their numbers on small computer chip inside the back oh their hand. She's already got one. The guards put it in. But she's changed the number. So they don't know who they are?.

3.- Captain Marrs thought that Robert (Sue's husband) was visiting the terrorist. Robert told Marrs a thousand times he'd never heard of the terrorist, but Marrs didn't believe him. Marrs sent him back to Sue as a warning. Robert die the next day. Sue was arrested and put into the tunnels. And that's why Ruth set up PACE, she added "She rescued her".

4.- He thought about the life she must have had for the past three years. She could have stayed in the forest and hidden away but she had decided to fight instead, She was incredibly brave thought Saul.

chapter 14-16

1.- They fell sad and angry because Caroline didn't believe him.

2.- Caroline decided that what ever she now thought, she should make herself sound stupid. As if her only world was music. She did it for Captain Marrs believe in her.

3.- Before Caroline didn't believe in Saul because all things was new for her. She lived in a virtual life without any problem and Saul said her unbelieved things for her.
After she believe in Saul because she knew Captain Marrs and she discovered that Marrs is a evil man.

4.- Caroline really loved to Saul because she cried when she think that Saul is dead. In memory of him she wanted to do something for his dead would never be forgotten. She tried to remember everything that Saul had said her and she said "No one will ever forget you after tomorrow".
I think Saul really didn't love to Caroline because he doubt about of his love by Caroline and he decided doesn't look for her anymore, and he started to like Sue.

Chapters 8,9and 10

3.- Captain Marrs hated the forest because he wished that he could burn them all down. But the controller would not let him do that.
The forests were the major problem for him and the jet cars could not get into the forest.
His satellites have far less power there and helicopters can't land there.

5.- Sue thinks that because Saul has never used a gun before . He wouldn't know how to use one.

Chapter 10

a.- Control
b.- The tunnel people
c.- Captain Marrs
d.- PACE
e.- The community of old people.